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Sutherland Primary Academy

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For up to date news and information see the items below

  • Transition Letter

    Wed 03 Jul 2024 C Boast



    3rd July 2024

    Dear Parent,


    Today your child spent time in their new classroom with their teacher for next year. This transition day helps children get used to a new environment, build new positive relationships with different children and helps them to get to know their new teacher.

    Moving classes can be worrying for some children however hopefully after today, they feel more confident and are looking forward to next year. For those children who are still anxious, we will be arranging further transition activities.

    Below is the staff structure for next year including support staff. Support staff may work across different years or work with individual classes or children.


    Nursery: Miss Carter, Miss Brown, Mrs Davies, Mrs Fowell

    FS2Y: Mrs Tonge, Mrs Bagley

    FS2G: Mrs Copeland, Mrs Ibbs

    Y1G: Miss Craig, Mrs Deaville, Mrs Allen

    Y1Y: Miss Griggs, Mrs Harding

    Y2G: Mrs Yates, Miss Worthington, Mrs Seabridge

    Y2Y: Mrs Hancock, Mrs Macdonald, Mrs Allen

    Y3G: Mrs Loader, Miss Browne, Mrs Wickramsinghe

    Y3Y: Mr Sinnott, Mrs Meek, Mrs Hall

    Y4G: Miss Hammersley, Mr Watkin, Mr Wilkes

    Y4Y: Mr Horn, Mrs Mack

    Y4S: Mrs Tomlinson, Mr Linley-Simon, Mr Watkin

    Y5G: Mr Holloway, Mrs Durber, Mrs Meek

    Y5Y: Miss Collins, Miss Greer, Mrs Hallam

    Y6G: Mr Hughes: Mr Hill

    Y6S: Mr Sweeney: Mr Hill

    Y6Y: Mrs Perkin, Miss Ratcliffe

    Music Teacher: Mrs Locker

    Performing Arts Teacher: Mr Hands

    PE Teacher: Mr Penk

    Sports Coach: Mr Meakin

    Head of Academy: Mrs Boast

    Deputy Head: Mr Redmond

    Assistant Head: Mrs Beech

    Business and Operations Manager: Mrs O’Rourke


    Further information about the start of the new academic year in September will be coming out in the last week.


    Kind regards


    Mrs Boast

    Head of Academy

  • Playground

    Fri 21 Jun 2024

    Dear parents, 


    We are so thrilled with our marvellous KS2 playground, recently completed by Playtime By Fawns, and wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone involved in helping us achieve this amazing new playground for the pupils of Sutherland Primary Academy.


    The three new play areas have proven a huge hit with all the children, with its variety of physical activity, ensuring the children will have fun, active break times all year round. 

    The transformation from our old playground to the new play space has been incredible. 


    We know the children of Sutherland Primary Academy will enjoy the Key Stage 2 playground for many years to come.


    Kindest regards




    Sutherland Primary Academy

  • Scarlett Fever

    Tue 21 May 2024

    20th May 2024


    Dear Parent/Carer,


    We have been informed that a small number of children who attend our school have been diagnosed with suspected or confirmed scarlet fever.

    Although scarlet fever is usually a mild illness, it should be treated with antibiotics to minimise the risk of complications and reduce the spread to others.

    The symptoms of scarlet fever include a sore throat, headache, fever, nausea and vomiting. This is followed by a fine, rash which typically first appears on the chest and stomach, rapidly spreading to other parts of the body. On white skin the rash looks pink or red. On brown and black skin it might be harder to see a change in colour, but you can still feel the sandpaper-like texture of the rash and see the raised bumps. The face can be flushed red but pale around the mouth.

    If you think you, or your child, have scarlet fever:

    • see your GP or contact NHS 111 as soon as possible
    • make sure that you or your child takes the full course of any antibiotics prescribed by the doctor
    • stay at home, away from nursery, school or work for at least 24 hours after starting the antibiotic treatment, to avoid spreading the infection


    The infection causing scarlet fever (group A streptococcal infection) also causes sore throats (strep throat), mild fever and minor skin infections (for example, impetigo). If someone in your family has any of these symptoms in the next 30 days we advise that you take them (along with this letter) to see their GP. Their GP can arrange for them to be tested if necessary and then treated with antibiotics if the GP thinks they have a group A streptococcal infection. If the GP thinks that the person has group A streptococcal infection, they will need to remain off work, school or nursery for 24 hours following the start of the antibiotics.



    Children who have had chickenpox recently are more likely to develop more serious infection should they catch scarlet fever and so parents should remain vigilant for symptoms such as a persistent high temperature, skin infection and joint pain and swelling. If you are concerned for any reason please seek medical assistance immediately.

    If your child has an underlying condition which affects their immune system, you should contact your GP or hospital doctor to discuss whether any additional measures are needed.

    You can find more information in on scarlet fever symptoms, diagnosis and treatment at Further advice can also be obtained from your local health protection team on 0344 225 3560 option 2 during office hours.


    Yours sincerely


    Head of Business, Finance and Operations.

    Useful further reading. Click on these links:

    Should I keep my child off school/nursery Shoud I keep my child off school checklist poster (

    Sore throat (strep throat or tonsillitis)

    Scarlet fever (scarlet fever)

    Scabs and sores (impetigo)

    Pain and swelling (cellulitis)

    Group A Strep Strep A - NHS (

    Chicken pox Chickenpox - NHS (

    Cold and flu-like illness, including COVID-19 Respiratory tract infections (RTIs) - NHS (



  • Congratulations!

    Thu 25 Jan 2024

    Huge Congratulations to our Amazon Art competition winners!!

  • Nursery 2024-2025 Opening Evening

    Wed 29 Nov 2023

    We are holding our opening evening for prospective Nursery children for 2024-2025 on Wednesday 29th November 2023 3:30pm-5pm. This will be a drop in session so please feel free to come and join us at any time during the afternoon. 

    For further information or to complete the application form please click here.

    Please note that the opening date for nursery applications is 1st December.

  • First Day Arrangements

    Tue 05 Sep 2023
  • Health Visitor and School Nursing Information

    Tue 18 Apr 2023

    Please click the link below to find information about the health visitor and school nurse teams. 


  • OFSTED visit February 2023

    Tue 31 Jan 2023

    Please go to Parents/OFSTED visit 2023 for further information

  • School meal price increase.

    Mon 05 Dec 2022




    Dear Parents


    School Meal Price Increase

    Unfortunately, City Catering have informed us that they are increasing the price of school meals from 1st December 2022.  Usually, price changes take place at the beginning of a school year, but unfortunately, they have no alternative but to implement them now. The extracts below are from their letter to us.


    “The last two years have brought many unpredicted and well-publicised disruptions which continue to have a profound impact on British society. At City Catering, we have addressed all the challenges encountered, and in conjunction with your kitchen teams have flexibly adapted and developed our operations, menu content, processes and procedures. However, there are also many factors beyond our control which affect food production and manufacturing, that have resulted in substantial price rises on base ingredients across all categories.


    This volatility within commodity prices has many causes including, but not limited to, an explosion in energy expenditure (business energy costs not being capped), transport costs, shipping, and of course, the rising costs of labour. The invasion of Ukraine has also generated considerable consequential impact on food supplies, which has added to the inflation we are currently experiencing.


    Due to all of these circumstances, our suppliers have been forced to impose “Force Majeure” price rises as the costs they have had to endure are outside of their reasonable control (as they are generated by war (Ukraine) and disease (Covid), and multiple other factors).


    Whilst we endeavour to economise in all areas, our prices have to reflect the pressures imposed on us by these extraordinary factors so that we can provide the required level of amenity, maintain legal compliance and ensure the sustainability and continuity of the service.”


    As a result, the cost of school meals for children in Y3 – Y6 will increase from £2.60 to £2.80. This means a weekly charge of £14 from next week (w/c 5th December). Your SchoolMoney account will be adjusted to reflect the price increase.

    The charge for Nursery meals will remain at £2.10 (£11 per week) and there will be no change to  Universal Infant Free School Meals for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.


    Please be reassured that, we will continue to assess the meals to ensure that their quality is maintained.


    We apologise for this increase, and would like to remind you that it may be worth making an application for Free School Meals. Application forms are available from the school office. Thank you


    Yours faithfully


    Mrs J O’Rourke

    Head of Business, Finance and Operations.

  • Nursery and Reception Applications

    Wed 02 Nov 2022

    If you would like to apply for a place in our nursery for September 2023 please click the link below:



    If you would like to apply for a place in our reception or primary school please click the link below: 



    Please note that if your child currently attends the nursery here at Sutherland Primary you will still need to complete the reception application form. 
