Our 2Y Class Page.
Welcome back to school! We hope that you have had a fabulous summer break.
Welcome to Year 2!
We are class 2Y and our teachers are Mrs Hancock, Mrs Macdonald and Mrs Allen. We have got lots of interesting things to learn about this year and we are even beginning our academic year with an exciting trip to Chester Zoo!
Below is some key information regarding our learning in Year 2:
- PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Please make sure that you bring your PE kit.
- Golden Homework will be given out at the beginning of each term and is due in every 2 weeks. We will also upload a copy on the website. (You are able to earn extra Golden Points for your Golden homework!)
- Children have been given a login for Times Table Rockstars and we are focusing on our 2, 5 and 10 times table.
- Please read a little each night. (There are more Golden Points up for grabs when your diary has been signed!)
- Spellings will be given out every Friday and are tested on the following Friday. You can see this week's spellings on the classroom door.
Our learning this term:
- Topic: Exploring the World
- Science: Habitats
Thank you for your support and any questions please let us know.
Mrs Hancock, Mrs Macdonald and Mrs Allen