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Sutherland Primary Academy

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Welcome to Summer Term 2!


This term, in Topic we are 'Exploring the World' and in Science the children will be learning all about animals and their habitats!

Welcome to Year 2 


We are class 2Y and our teachers are Mrs Hancock, Mrs Macdonald, Mrs Allen and Mrs Meek. Our PE Days are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We have got lots of exciting things to learn about this year.


Golden homework will be given out every 2 weeks on a Monday and uploaded below on the website. Please read a little each night with your child and sign their reading diary to gain extra golden stamps. We will give spellings out every Friday and will test them the following Friday, please practise the spellings with your child at home. We will also give Maths homework out on a Friday to consolidate the learning from the week. 


Thank you for your support and any questions please let us know.


Mrs Hancock smiley

Summer Term 1 Golden Homework

Golden Homework- Spring 2

Golden Homework Spring 1

Year 2 words

Golden Homework- Autumn 2

Golden Homework - Autumn 1
