Jack and the Beanstalk Pantomime
Our Bonfire
Welcome to FS2G!
Welcome to FS2G! I am Mrs Copeland, the FS2G class teacher, and I work alongside our Early Years Practitioner Mrs Ibbs. The wider Foundation stage 2 team is Mrs Tonge and Mrs Bagley in FS2Y.
We have all settled into our new class extremely well and are enjoying all of the activities in our classroom.
For more information about what topics we are learning about please see our newsletter attached.
General Information
Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure that children have their full PE kits in school and clearly labelled. Also for health and safety please make sure that long hair is tied up and earrings are removed.
Maths Homework is given out on a Friday and should be returned the following Friday. Golden Homework is given out on a Friday fortnightly. Children can gain extra golden points for completing homework.
Please try to read with your child each day and record in their reading record log, with a comment or a signature, even if it is just for a few minutes, every little helps! By reading at home they can earn 2 extra golden points towards their golden activities.