Welcome to 6Y's class page. This year, our class teacher is Mrs Perkin and we are supported in our learning by Miss Ratcliffe.
~Important Information~
Spring 1
Our Spring 1 Topic is The Industrial Revolution
Our Spring 1 Science Topic is Body Pump
P.E. Days
Our PE days are: Tuesday and Friday
PE kits should be kept in school at all times, even on non-PE days, as things can sometimes change at short notice. Kits should be taken home at the weekend to be washed. Please make sure that you bring weather appropriate clothes. Please see the Sutherland Primary Academy uniform policy for further guidance on PE kit items.
Spellings and Homework
Reading is incredibly important to your child's development. Children at Sutherland each have a banded reading book. Every time they read at home and get their diary signed by an adult, they earn Golden Points which are collected in school and contribute to their Golden Activities at the end of each half term. Children earn two Golden Points each time they read with a maximum of ten Golden Points on offer each week for Reading.
Golden Homework is another great way to earn extra Golden Points! Homework tasks are handed out every two weeks and children can earn up to twenty Golden Points for homework that is completed to a fantastic standard. Our current homework tasks can be found in the Homework tab above.
Arithmetic and SPAG homework is set every Friday. If the homework is not completed, it can be completed on a Friday lunchtime in our support club. We also offer a support group on a Thursday after school for pupils who would like some extra support with their homework.
Additional maths homework is also set during the week to compliment the learning done within the classroom.
Spellings for the whole year have been handed out on the first day of the new school year. These can be found under the Spellings tab above. Spelling tests take place each Friday and we have a competition between the Year 6 classes to see which class can get the highest average score.
Thank you to all of the parents who actively support and encourage their children in reading and completing their homework- it will make such a difference to their progress!