Welcome to 4S
We are 4S and our class teachers are Mr Linley-Simon and Mrs James and our Teaching Assistant is Mr Watkin. Thanks for stopping by and having a look at our class page which will inform you about the exciting things that are going on in our classroom and what we are learning about.
Please see below for any important parental information and electronic copies of letters, homework and spelling lists.
Important Information
4S have their PE lessons on Mondays and Fridays.
PE kits should be kept in school at all times, even on non-PE days, as things can sometimes change at short notice. Kits should be taken home at the weekend to be washed. Please see the Sutherland Primary Academy uniform policy for further guidance on PE kit items.
Homework and Reading
Reading is incredibly important to your child's development. Children at Sutherland each have a banded reading book. Each time they read at home and get their diary signed by an adult, they are able to earn tokens which they can collect and convert in to additional Golden points! Those not reading regularly will take part in a reading club once a week during lunchtime.
Golden homework is another great way to earn extra Golden points! Homework tasks are handed out at the start of the half term and can be completed and returned by the given date.
Spelling: Spellings will be taught on Mondays and tested on Fridays.
Times Tables: It is very important to practice times tables daily to make sure you know them and don't forget them. We have Times Tables Rock Stars online a few minutes of this every day will make all the difference.
Times tables test information for parents
Multiplication tables check: information for parents
Information for parents about the statutory multiplication tables check, taking place in June 2022.
You may wish to practise the test with your children. This can be done via the link below: